sharing ice cream 2
This made me laugh – feng shui for your website. It’s funny though, despite all the rhetoric about design there’s some appalling stuff around. OK – I best be careful – I’ve messed around with this blog to the extent that it does need a bit of smartening up, but then it feels quite homely to me. I like the minimal look of the Critical Literacies blog, too and also the richness of this website (which I know J.H. would love).
I’m published, here (thanks to Angela’s subtle persuasion) in an article which aims to set an agenda for future research that enables us to capture how identities are played out across social networks in both online and offline interactions – and I’m pleased to see this extract comes in Chinese as well. This handbook looks great, but since it runs to 63 chapters in 2 volumes I probably won’t be buying it. I’ll just have to make do with journalism on virtual worlds (like this).