Last week was one of those characterised by a flurry of activity. The DIY media book was published, my piece on online social networking came in final proof form, and Scholastic published the re-vamped curriculum materials on Sci-Fi writing 7-9 (see pic). That was a demanding little project, but it kept me distracted during a difficult personal time. I also had an interesting chat last Thursday with Lyndsay from Future Lab about what participation, and in particular digital participation, might mean or might look like. There’s certainly more thinking to be done in that area. As well as all that, I expanded my technical vocabulary which now includes the wonderful term exertion interface which pretty much sums up Wii activity.
when is it in Amazon? and when are you researching EAL and new to English issues in your field of research? ICT has a massive role in this area of education.GF
Don't know when it's on Amazon...probably quite soon, because Scholastic are quite smart at that. As for issues around linguistic diversity - that's a great point. That's, in fact, where I started my research career. Maybe it's time to return.
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