I’m now convinced that when I write up the Virtual Worlds work my avatar must have a voice. It seems to start like this: ‘I am empty. I feel nothing. Waiting. I am waiting to come to life. My body is like a lifeless puppet. Dressed in red t-shirt and stonewash denim I am non-descript. I could be anyone, I could be anywhere, any place. I go quiet and unnoticed. I wait. I wait until I am called to action, and then I am propelled through the empty streets and dark alleyways. My arms move with the heavy weight of a sleepwalker as I greet people. Then he breathes language into me. I speak in code. Those tiny black insects of writing are my speech. And then I know I have come to life. I am born into this dreaming world – this world that I help to make and to bring into being.’ aaah – something like that then, I reckon.
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