Yes I’m back, and at work, and it all seems rather boring after the beauty of Andalucia. Who else but the Moors could build the sort of stunning cupola in the picture? The good things that have happened over the past few days are taxing my car online (it usually takes a good half day to find the documents, locate the right kind of Post Office and then stand in the queue – instead it took me just over 2 minutes); insuring my car (on line it took 3 minutes); and registering to vote (also online). Today I got the proofs of “Do you like dogs or writing”, that’ll be out in the Autumn edition of English in Education. I also punctuated and tidied up the references on the final version of my chapter for the New Literacies Research Handbook. I now have hasty preparation to do for BERA on Thursday (I’ll put a link to the paper, here) and then need to put something together for Newfoundland. Meanwhile, for comic relief, Ruth turned up the live performance by OKGo.
blimen ecxk that is so impressive. I feel really envious how much you have achieved in one day.
ahh! you're so encouraging. It's good to back on the blog agian!
that online car tax thing is unbelievably good, I agree- and the disc comes really quickly in the post too in my experience. And welcome back!
It's good to be back (but work is too complicated!!!). Yes I got my disk back in 2 days.
I would love to know what is taking you to Newfoundland. I went about two years ago and thought it was absolutely marvellous. It's like a cross between Ireland (I closed my eyes in a bar with live music and dancing as could have been in Donegal) and somewhere almost surreal - with tunnels, icebergs, mooses, massive mussels.... JG
I'm in Newfoundland as invited guest at this research seminar.
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