Well,the books out. It gets launched at AERA, but I won't really believe it till I'm holding it! That's interesting when so much I do and write is virtual, that there's still something about the book as a material object that holds the weight of significance. I know one friend remarked that a book on Web 2.0 is almost a contradiction in terms. Partly true I suspect. Also there's that strange phenomenon when you write about this sort of stuff that some of it is out of date before it gets out! But I'm confident that most of what is in the book is still current, and that the connections between new literacies and learning through participation remain valid. So alongside this I have a couple of book chapters making their way into print. These will be followed by some work on teens and SNSs which probably won't see the light of day until 2010. And then I have an idea for a solo book venture, so watch this space; and of course in the mean time order a copy of Web 2.0 for Schools: Learning and Social Participation (Davies & Merchant, 2009)!
congratulations Guy
could you send me one
Thanks...yes, of course, as soon as they get across the Atlantic!
Yes, we are ordering for the library and personal copy as well!
I've seen it! I've taken a photo of it in situ! I have to admit I didn't know it was out Jackie told me and led me to it. We found it mobbed... well sort of Jackie knocked the front one off the shelf as we were so excited. I wish I could post the photo here I'll have to email it to you and Julia.
wow so exciting of course.. And I must say did not even know it was out!! That is great news.
wow so exciting of course.. And I must say did not even know it was out!! That is great news.
I do hope no one was injured in the rush!
actually it's funny you should say that. last I saw there was a struggle for the last copy on display.
I hope there wasn't a fight! Maybe when it gets over here, they'll be queueing down the street...
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